Pengajuan ISBN 3


Proceeding Book of International Confrence on Lactation Management (ICLM) “Enabling Breastfeeding: Support Working Parents Keep Breastfeeding”


Luthfi Yuliastika Wibawa, … [et al.]


Rahmawati Shoufiah, Vadiah, Andan Dewi Murni, Ega Ersya Urnia dan Ganea Qory Aina


Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health East Kalimantan




Introduction: Introduction: One of the welfare indicators of a country is seen from the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Prevention of infant mortality is carried out by providing appropriate food, namely exclusive breastfeeding for the 6 months of first life. Efforts made to solve problems regarding exclusive breastfeeding are interventions with lactation counseling. Lactation counseling is an effort made by health workers to increase knowledge and how to breastfeed properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of postpartum counseling on knowledge and how to breastfeed at Samarinda Medika Citra Hospital. Methods: This study used a Quasy Experiment design with a One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design approach. The population in this study was 149 postpartum mothers. The sampling technique with purposive sampling as many as 60 respondents. Results: The results of the study showed that there was a significant effect of Polasi counseling on postpartum mothers’ knowledge and method of breastfeeding (p-value = 0.000). realize wrong perceptions about lactation and how to breastfeed. Counseling increases the mother’s knowledge and motivates the mother to practice proper breastfeeding. Conclusion: Breastfeeding problems and exclusive breastfeeding can occur in postpartum mothers. Through counseling, it is hoped that the mother’s knowledge will increase and be able to breastfeed in the right way

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